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Hi! I'm Trips

Healing chronic pain, insomnia, perfectionism and severe clinical depression (to name a few) changed my life and I am here to help people heal and change their lives too!

Growing up I was very creative; drawing, needlepoint and writing stories, it was always so much fun and I was very proud of the things I made.


From as young as three years old I have had widespread pain. It was a running joke in the family to ask me “what doesn’t hurt”. But the sad truth is I had no idea what pain-free felt like and I did not love myself or my body.


As a perfectionist and high achieving people pleaser, I focused on studying hard, going to University, getting a good job etc. You know, all the "things" that mean you have a good life!


Even though I achieved good grades, I didn’t feel like it was enough, constantly pushing myself and striving for perfection. Feeling unworthy of love from myself and others, people pleasing and neglecting myself. 

Creative, Artist, Unique, Rebel, Thought, Leader, Imagination, Designer, Healer, Healed, outside the box, creativity, self aware, self acceptance, self expression, playful, inner child

At 20 years old, I was diagnosed with severe, clinical depression and anxiety as well as insomnia, and the pain was getting worse. I didn’t believe healing was a possibility, I didn’t try, I just kept pushing myself. 


After my Master’s degree I got my dream job as an andrologist, a male fertility scientist, and moved to London. I was so excited, but my body and mind had other plans! Getting progressively sicker! I didn’t love myself enough to take care of myself.  I continued studying; my second Bachelor’s degree, even though I was working 40+ hours. As well as trying to have an active social life. Burning the candle at both ends and in the middle! 


I was finally diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue syndromes as well as hypermobility and costochondritis. I was given opiates to manage the symptoms and told I would never heal and only get worse. That I did! 


This continued for a few more years; pushing myself, burn outs, flares, hospital and doctor visits, tears and anger, and feeling like life was unfair. Finally, I had no choice but to move back home to my parent’s house, leaving my job, my friends and my life as I knew it.


I was isolated and depressed more than ever before, often bed bound and still burning myself out! I didn’t know who I was and all I had left were the chronic and mental illnesses that were the only constant in my life.


I designed this leopard print jacket

Founder of Inspire Calm - Trips, healed and happy

Finally, I got back into creative hobbies! I started to write poetry to express myself. I began going to art classes (it turns out I have a talent for drawing flowers). I am knitting and baking again, as well as trying out new creative things. 


In 2020 during the first lockdown I was bed bound for weeks at a time. It was at this time that I had enough and invested in my healing. I got a therapist, a bodymind coach and a cognitive behavioural therapist and started the deep healing work. 


This helped me to unravel the trauma, find root causes behind the symptoms and why they were manifesting, and what I can do to keep healing.

Within 6 months I was able to radically change my life

  • I healed the severe clinical depression and anxiety. 

  • I healed insomnia and now have an amazing relationship with sleep!

  • I recognised my self worth is not tied in with how perfect I am, or how others see me. 

  • I learnt perfection is not real and I continue finding ways to reframe how I do things.

  • I allowed fun and playfulness back into my life, connecting with my inner child.

  • I started to be more creative, learning new skills and I allowed myself to experiment.

  • I finally know what pain-free feels like! 

I am happier and healthier than I have ever been and I can truly say that I love myself as I am.
I knew I wanted to share this with others. 
So in 2021 I became a Bodymind Coach created Inspire Calm. 
With experience from my own healing journey I can help you to heal yourself too. By becoming self aware through deep inner work. Providing a safe space for you to get in touch with your emotions and  creatively express yourself. Unleash your potential, and bring radical self acceptance and love into your life.

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